Kamis, 08 November 2012

The Statue from Alien's Tale World



 Alien King


 Dancing Hulahoop


 Robo Scorpio

 Scarry Gary

 Snake Mutant

 Soul of Dewi Sri

 Surving Mutant

Weird Embrio

Treasure on mirror

 The chronical of La Galigo

 Broken Rock

Dayang Sumbi

 Joko Tarub

 Labu Emas (Golden Pumpkins)

No Time For Think

 Nyi Pohaciu Sanghyang Sri

 Berebut Harta Karun

 Sangkuriang Sakti

Sura vs Baya

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Robbery series

                                           The Ideal


                                          The Beginer (before Adam)